
Friend After Death

All creatures will surely die. Then after death who will be friends after death?
From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alayhi wa sallam said,:

إن مما يلحق المؤمن من عمله وحسناته بعد موته علما علمه ونشره وولدا صالحا تركه ومصحفا ورثه أو مسجدا بناه أو بيتا لابن السبيل بناه أو نهرا أجراه أو صدقة أخرجها من ماله فى صحته وحياته يلحقه من بعد موته

"Indeed, what will always accompany a believer is his knowledge and goodness. After his death there is knowledge that he teaches and he spreads, so does the righteous child he left behind, there are also the manuscripts that he inherited or the mosque he built, or the house for Ibnus sabil which he built, or the river he flowed, or alms which he issued from his wealth when he was healthy and during his lifetime. It will all accompany him after his death. " (Narrated by Imam Ibn Majah no. 242.)

Who is our friend later? Just choose or even everything. While there is still a chance, we should prepare it, because it is 'dead', that's for sure, so don't wait later, prepare yourself for the eternal life of ukhrowi.
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