
MARHABAN YES RAMADHAN (dalam Bahasa Inggris)

By: Oo Hanafiah, M.Ag
Head of Tarbiyah IUM Faculty of Administrative Sciences Suryalaya Tasikmalaya

RAMADHAN, it means very hot. The month of Ramadan is the only month mentioned in the Koran, which has virtue, holiness, and various features. That is because important events such as: Allah revealed the verses of the Koran for the first time, there is the night of Laylat al-Qadr, which is a very high night, because the angels descended to bless the believers who were worshiping, this month was designated as the time of fasting is obligatory, this month the Muslims can conquer the polytheists in the battle of Badr Kubra and this month the Prophet Muhammad also succeeded in taking over the city of Mecca and ending the idolatry carried out by the idolaters. The important moment in Ramadan is the first obligation carry out fasting for a month as Allah SWT said "O you who believe, are required of you to fast as required of those before you so that you fear, (QS.Al-Baqarah: 183)
Ramadhan is a month of blessing, a month of grace, a month of forgiveness and many advantages. The goal is to foster a sense of responsibility and a sense of wanting to add worship to seek the pleasure of Allah during this Ramadan, Rasulullah SAW said "When Ramadan has arrived, opened the gates of heaven and closed all the gates of hell and bound by all devils. "(Reported by Imam Bukhari, Muslim, Nasa'i, Ahmad-Baihaqi)
The virtue of the month of Ramadan
There are 5 Noble Worship Charities in the Month of Ramadan. The month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings, grace, forgiveness, in this month every deeds of Muslim worship will be multiplied in return. How fortunate if we as Muslims can take advantage of this moment as a field of reward, by carrying out the mandatory and filling daily activities with charity that is circumcised, God willing, we are among the lucky people. Among these are the first, reading the Koran, narrated, reading the Koran in the month of Ramadan has the virtue that each letter we read will be rewarded 27 times. The second is Almsgiving, another perfect for the fasting of Ramadan is charity. Narrated in the authentic hadith of the Prophet asked: "Which alms are the most important? he replied: Alms in Ramadan. " (H.R. Turmudzi). The third is the Tarawih Prayer, the tarawih Prayer is explained in the words of the Prophet Muhammad: "Verily, Allah has obliged the fasting of Ramadan and I have circumcised his qiyam (prayer at night). therefore, whosoever fasts in the month of Ramadan and prayers at night because of faith and hopes for the merits and blessings of Allah, his sins come out as on the day he was born by his mother "(H.R. Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi). The fourth is the Witir Prayer, the witir prayer is sunnah muadad and is recommended by the Prophet Muhammad to be performed every night. This worship is performed at any time, especially in the last ten days because on the last 10 Ramadan and odd nights there is a "Laylat al Qadr" night.

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